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Home and Community Support

Providing everything from a little help to specialised care, our flexible Home and Community Support services cover home nursing, home assistance and allied health.

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From community education programs to research and digital innovation, we co-design services to support you to live your life, your way.

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We are committed to providing high quality care to our clients and residents.

To help improve our services we welcome feedback from clients and residents, their families and representatives about issues important to them.

One way we collect feedback is through our Consumer Advisory Body, a customer group representing our Home Care Package clients and their carers.

What is the Consumer Advisory Body?

The Consumer Advisory Body gives you a way to talk about care and service quality with other people and contribute to the continuous improvement of the support we provide.

Feedback received in a Consumer Advisory Body session is shared with Bolton Clarke's executive team and Board.

Community partnerships

How does it work?

Our Consumer Advisory Body sessions are held virtually, with up to 10 people selected from all states across Australia to participate.

We provide the technology and a staff member to help you take part in the meetings online via video conference.

Even if you have never used video conferencing before you will be supported to connect with the group. It is an exciting opportunity to share your thoughts.

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Register your interest

If you are currently receiving a Home Care Package (HCP) with Bolton Clarke or are a family member or significant other of a Bolton Clarke HCP recipient, we want to hear from you.

To register your interest, complete the online form on this page or ask your Bolton Clarke staff member to assist you.

We also encourage you to complete the section about general areas of interest. Applicants not selected for the Consumer Advisory Body may be contacted to participate in future Bolton Clarke customer forums or focus groups.

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Register your interest

Like to join our Consumer Advisory Body? Please register your interest by completing the form below.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

How would you like to be contacted? (please select one or both)
As well as registering your interest for the CAB are there other areas you might like to partner with us to review?

Want to know more?

How are members selected?

There is an expressions of interest process, where applicants will be selected based on several factors relevant to their experience, social and cultural backgrounds, motivation for nominating, their lived experience, geographic location (different states) and be representative of the diversity of age, gender and diverse identities within community and of those who receive Bolton Clarke support and services.

We also welcome and will support people living with dementia and/or have communication needs. Everyone will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.

Our aim is to create a safe, inclusive, accessible and welcoming environment for all.

What is expected of members?

Consumer Advisory Body members will use their lived experience to identify improvements that will strengthen quality of care and services.

Members will join for 12 months, with the possibility of that time being extended. Meetings will be held twice a year in March & August for around two hours per meeting. One hour of preparation time may be required for each meeting to review the agenda papers and some documents. Members are also expected to:

  • Let us know if they can’t attend a meeting
  • Participate in a way that respects the Bolton Clarke values of Kindness, Curiosity, Listen, always safe and always together
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of the agenda papers, meetings and other members
  • Declare any conflicts of interest
  • Follow meeting etiquette/ terms of reference
Who will the members be?

The Consumer Advisory Body will have up to 10 members who will be current Home Care Package clients, or a representative, family member or carer of a current client.

A number of Bolton Clarke employees will also be in attendance to assist with running the meeting, presenting information and agenda items and taking minutes. The meetings will be chaired by a senior Bolton Clarke employee. Executive members may also be in attendance.

What is discussed at the meetings?

Each meeting will have a structure centred on the following:

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Board and Executive update
  • Matters referred by the Board/Executive for Consumer Advisory Body advice and input
  • Matters raised by Consumer Advisory Body members
  • Close 

You will be sent information about the agenda items before the meetings to give you time to think about them and what they mean to you. This may include some pre-reading.

Members are most welcome to suggest agenda items for the meetings. It may not be possible to cover every suggested agenda item however we will always take it into account.