Jacaranda colouring competition brings students and seniors together

The jacaranda at Bolton Clarke’s Fernhill community in Caboolture is not only a treasured tree for residents but will feature in a colouring in competition for local primary schools in celebration of National Tree Day, 2nd August.
The Fernhill jacaranda and its surrounds are receiving a spruce as the last of landscaping works are finalised and the milestone aged care community redevelopment approaches completion. The jacaranda tree is a significant feature of the landscaping, including large courtyard and extensive gardens, around which the ‘W’ shaped building has been formed.
Launching on Schools Tree Day this Friday 31st July, the Fernhill Jacaranda colouring in competition brings primary students and aged care residents together for an exciting opportunity for learning and intergenerational play.
Fernhill Residential Manager Ram Korla said that the community was excited to be nearing the end of the project and for it to bring the generations together.
“We love having students from local schools visit. Both students and residents get a lot of enjoyment from it. It will be great to continue to stay connected through creativity and competition,” he said.
Primary students and kindergarteners alike will be able to enter the competition through their school with the winning entry chosen by Fernhill’s aged care residents and team members. The lucky entrant will have their artwork framed and hung in Fernhill’s Jacaranda Café when the building opens this October.
Residents of Fernhill have been delighted to see the building and gardens take shape and were particularly pleased to see their beloved jacaranda take centre stage in the new gardens.
The gardens of Fernhill, originally called ‘Newman House’ were very famous in the 1930’s and 40’s and people would travel great distances to visit the Newman family mansion and its grounds. Boasting a fernery, goldfish pond, Chinese sunken garden and wishing well, the grounds were a popular place for garden parties and social events.
Elements of the original gardens remain including parts of a 14th Century sundial which will find its new home underneath the jacaranda as part of the redevelopment landscaping.
‘Newman House’ was donated to be used as a War Veteran Home and officially opened as Fernhill on 4 May 1950.
Entries for the colouring in competition close 31 August, judging will occur in September ahead of the opening of the new residential aged care building in October. Entries can be posted to Fernhill community marked attention to Ram Korla regarding the “Jacaranda colouring competition.”
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