Getting behind the wheel in the ’64 Ampol Trial

This International Women’s Day Ridgehaven resident Maureen is reminiscing about being behind the wheel of a rally race car in the 60s.
Maureen says she was always passionate about cars and was a bit of a led foot right up until recently.
“I was a good driver, if I do say so myself, and I only stopped driving about two years ago because I got too many speeding fines!” Maureen said.
“I got into cars because my husband and brother were racing – they taught me how to drive a car and it went from there.
“From the age of about 21 I was helping them during their races, and I would go out most weekends and do a lot of rally races around the small towns but mainly Loxton.”
Up until then, Maureen had only driven in smaller, local races against other locals but had a surprising invitation in 1964 to join the Ampol Trial.
“They had approached my husband to go in it but he couldn’t leave his business so he said ‘Maureen’s a good drive, she will go in it’, so off I went.
“I was only allowed to drive a four-cylinder because I’m a female but I was used to that anyway driving a Volkswagen.”
Maureen entered the race with her Volkswagen Beetle 1200 up against the likes of racing greats Colin Bond and Harry Firth for over 11,000 kilometres across Australia.
“I ended up winning the women’s section of it and it was truly fantastic, I had a great time!
“I didn’t have a codriver, I drove all the way myself but I had a fantastic navigator and she followed the map and didn’t make a single mistake.
“I couldn’t have won it without her – turn me around one corner and I’m lost.”
After the race, Maureen hung up her helmet and driving gloves to look after her two daughters but says her keen interest in racing wasn’t lost.
“Now, my daughters are both good drivers because I taught them even though they didn’t get into racing as much.
“I think there should be more women in racing because it’s still a male-dominated industry.
“It was such a great achievement for me and to have something like that behind you is invaluable!”
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