Local centenarian shares century-rich words of wisdom

Counting down the days until his 100th birthday, Kenmore local Alan says part of celebrating his 100th birthday is having a rich reservoir of experiences to share.
“I certainly didn’t think I was going to make it to 100 and I think I’m more surprised than anyone else that I got this far,” Alan said.
“I don’t know how I did it or why I should still be alive over anyone else, but you take what’s given to you in this life and be thankful for it.
“My life has been fragmented of course, a little bit of this, a little bit of that and you put it altogether and it’s a long, long time!” he said.
After signing up to the Navy in 1942 during WWII at the age of 18, Alan served on the HMAS Ipswich, including assisting in relieving the Greek island of Kastellorizo following the Italian surrender in 1943.
The corvette escorted a small convoy of merchant ships at night time to deliver supplies and bring wounded POWs and evacuees to safety in Beirut.
Later, the ship was assigned to the British Pacific Fleet and was present in Tokyo Bay on VJ Day in 1945.
After the war, Alan returned to his hometown of Townsvillle where he would live out his own love story with late wife Pauline before making the move to Kenmore in their 40s, playing an active role in their local community including as foundation members of Kenmore National Seniors.
“I fell in love with Pauline when I first saw her in high school,” he says.
“Eventually we got married in 1946 and lived together for 71 years – it was a long time, but they were happy times. I got a good one and I think she got a good one too.”
His commitment to ensuring people remember the war and its impacts has extended to writing several books over the years, including A History of H.M.A.S Ipswich.
Seeing much of the world during his time in the Navy and much of Queensland during his career, he says he has seen many changes in everyday life.
“You can’t look back in life and think ‘boy, how did I ever put up with that?’ because at the time those things were the norm and there was nothing else. You have to roll with the punches and just go with the flow.
“If you were born, as I was, in 1924 you lived the life we lived then and now if you are born in 2024, you live the life they live now.
“You could look back in sorrow that we had to put up with all those things that people don’t have to put up with now, but you change with the times and accept things with how they are.”
Alan will be celebrating his birthday with his friends and family at Fairview aged care on Friday 29th March with a special performance from his niece playing Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue on the piano for him.
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