New resource supports TGD elders

Bolton Clarke has contributed to a new resource developed as part of the Kinfolk Project supporting dignity and choice for trans and gender diverse elders in aged care.
The Our Authentic Selves video was co-led by the Director of ‘Celebrate Ageing’ Dr Catherine Barratt, project worker Kaye Bradshaw and transgender and gender diverse (TGD) Elders Toni Paynter, Sally Conning and Kathy Mansfield.
The project aims to meet the aged care choices and dignity of older TGD people.
“By choice in this context we mean the rights of trans and gender diverse elders to determine who they are, and by dignity we mean our actions to support trans and gender diverse elders to be themselves,” Dr Barratt said.
“In making this resource we saw the best of what is – we saw beautiful aged care providers making a commitment about dignity and choice for TGD elders.”
Bolton Clarke Diversity Co-ordinator Rosemarie Draper represented the organisation as one of a group of aged care and health care providers and assessors expressing a commitment to the TGD community.
The video is available at and is supported by a written resource at