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Connections grow in community gardens

March 2024
Community gardens

Our community nurses are helping people at risk of homelessness grow healthy food and social connections at several community garden projects across Melbourne.

This work is part of our Homeless Persons Program (HPP), which supports around 1,500 clients each year to access health services and support.

Community Health Registered Nurse Julie Monteiro is co-located at the Cornerstone Garden, a partnership between HPP and Dandenong charity Cornerstone.

community gardenThe garden is a space where people experiencing hardship can come and receive meals, food parcels and various services. In addition to HPP, the shared space is visited by other community organisations such as Orange Sky Laundry, One Voice Shower Van, Nourish Church and the Dandenong Baptist Church.

Julie says as well as providing clients with the opportunity to access fresh produce, the garden is a safe space for people to receive support.

“It’s a positive space where conversations can be held over gardening, a place people can attend outside of where they are living. There is no cost, it is fun and good exercise and people can eat a healthy lunch afterwards,” she says.

“It can take time to get to know a new client, and this is a great space to do that. Sometimes it is hard to find a confidential space to visit and if people are moving addresses, this is a place we can meet to discuss their health.”

Carol, a HPP client who has been involved in the Cornerstone Garden since it began, says the garden is like a home.

“I believe it is a necessity – more places should have them,” Carol said.

“I love the fact that Julie comes and helps. I wouldn’t have gone to the doctor if I hadn’t spoken with Julie. She helped me navigate the COVID-19 immunisations.

“I share what I do here with my children and my daughter is now doing an agriculture course, inspired by my time here in the garden over the years.”


Featured image: Community Health Registered Nurse Julie (centre) with Cornerstone CEO Naomi Paterson and client Carol checking out the corn at Cornerstone Garden.
Inline image 1: Community Health Registered Nurse Julie (right) harvesting tomatoes with HPP client Carol.

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